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  1. bad_ass

    2007/8 Summer of Cricket Thread

    Bunch on sarcasim they r doing it's only that 1 idiot who wants him sacked he prob neva achieved wat he wanted to do so takes it out bye writing crap and gets away with it
  2. bad_ass

    2007/8 Summer of Cricket Thread

    Why should they walk straight away he doesnt exactly know everytime they r out it's proberly a stragtegic move if the umpire see them show nothing he shoul go to third umpire and they start to walk give them out gilly is my fav player along with simon's ...everything is going to 3rd umpire these...
  3. bad_ass

    India suspend tour of australia

    LMAO watch the new in india monkey is a nice word to call someone wat a load of horsesh%^ ...if they sack pontin ill neva watch another game how pathetic is that guy he is doing wat he does best playing to win u dont go ona field n say ok teams let just play...go out with a positive and say...
  4. bad_ass

    India suspend tour of australia

    He should be takin a closer look at himself before he say's anything to simon's on his look..Iam disgusted one good smack should shut him up australia is ontop of there game and india has hardly been a challenge so far i hope aus smash them all ova the field for this...wats goin on with ponting...
  5. bad_ass

    Stacker game in Bowling centres are rigged!

    they had one of those at penrith bowl i use to play it every monday nigth and i won 3 major prize's out of it so i aint complaining
  6. bad_ass

    Ps2 Games

    when i get paid ill take bowlingof ur hands :D
  7. bad_ass


    i live in windsor so i really would wanna travel overly to far ...
  8. bad_ass

    The Wrestling Thread

    never try a power bomb on the trampoline lol doesnt end to good person u do it to bounces up an off it an u can go with them lol
  9. bad_ass

    The Wrestling Thread

    outsiders edge was that by razor ramon i think it was i loved his finisher mine was rock bottom-choke slam-scorpian death lock-and anythin i could copy of undertaker-kane-the rock-stone cold lol
  10. bad_ass

    The Wrestling Thread

    LOL yeah it's definatley not fake i remember when i was round 10 i use to fight all my cuz's in a room full of mattress on the floor my fav back then was the rock bottom..
  11. bad_ass

    The Wrestling Thread

    i have put a guy in the scorpian death lock much like the sharpshooter for awhile he neva got up for awhile have also dont the master lock and i found if i leand bak a lil it hurt them alot more ;)
  12. bad_ass

    trying to get in contact with a NSW bowler

    he would prob be one of the most easiest to find ppl who know him but i aint bowled for ahwile
  13. bad_ass


    anymore out there guna go throw some games tomoro see how rusty iam..
  14. bad_ass

    The Wrestling Thread

    the only thing i hate bout wrestling is that when someone is out for like 6+months they can come back an boom there number1 contender hope edge gets flogged lol......i wanna see JBL come back in a match was funny to see him come out on raw APA was pretty good to see ..who thinks HHH will beat...
  15. bad_ass


    Hey all just wonderin is there are any new leagues preferably singles startin up soon im thinkin bout comin back to bowlin once the new yr starts
  16. bad_ass

    VR BT1 5lt 5 speed for sale

    nice car mate good luck with the sell ....wouldnt sell speakers a n cd seperate no harm in asking ..:D
  17. bad_ass

    The Wrestling Thread

    i neva seen trish or lita till the end and i cant remember sein hogan either i think when i went outside i must of missed it damit
  18. bad_ass

    ECCC History: Team Photos required

    i have photos of nsw under 21 graded boys 2001 then nsw open boys 02/03/04/05/06
  19. bad_ass


    4-Channel Full-Range Amplifier with Electronic Crossover, Variable Bass Boost and Preamp Outputs. Power Output 60 watts RMS x 4 channel at 4 ohms and ≤ 1% THD + N S/N Ratio 86dBA (reference 1 watts into 4 ohms) Dynamic Power 145 watts at 2 ohms Effective Damping Factor 6.39 at 4 ohms...
  20. bad_ass

    1000watt mono block

    $250 need it gone
  21. bad_ass


    windsor now amf or somthin
  22. bad_ass

    2007 Federal Election

    kevin rudd the new PM
  23. bad_ass

    The Wrestling Thread

    bit touchy r we..... NEWAY of that boring subject chris jericho looks in awesome shape how long was it he was away from the ring for....cant wait to see undertaker smash edge glad he tombestone ugly vikki
  24. bad_ass

    The Wrestling Thread

    Thats wat they r doin now same crap everyweek stupid tag team champions
  25. bad_ass

    The Wrestling Thread

    yeha mvp an hardy was pretty good but just the idea of them being a tag team is abit odd but anyway any new's on survivour serious
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