It was with great shock that we heard the passing of the gentle giant and true gentleman on and off the lanes, Jimbo. You will be sadly missed. To Lil and family our deepest simpathies go out to you all.
Kevin & Mary Blackmore
Congratulations to all who were selected to represent Australia in Japan.
Can someone please enlighten me as to what the selection criteria was to be considered acceptable to be selected to represent Australia.
Kevin Blackmore
:confused: Can anyone shed some light on what is going on??
Most of us have a life and are still working so we can go on these self funded trips.
:mad: We need some info so we can arrange time off, book airfares and accommodation etc.
Hi Susanne,
Kevin Blackmore is arriving Saturday morning at 0845 and departing at 1830 on Sunday with Virgin. Contact mobile No. 0419428487.
Thank you.