Hi Brett, I have a 15lb NVS traction 0.39 with a 3in pin and a 15lb NVS complete with a 2in pin both had less than a dozen games looking for $100 each if interested.
Kevin Blackmore
Hi Darren,
how is the league going to date, will it get of the ground? if not Mary and I need to find another higher average league. Is there anything in Ipswich???
Kevin Blackmore
Hi Luke just in case the earth opens up and swallows half a dozen bowlers and the bowling gods are on my side for a change, please add Mary & Kevin Blackmore.
Hi Bronni, ditto your comments above, probably the best tournament I have participated in.
And once again your support and organisation was greatly appreciated by everyone. YOU ROCK!!!
Kevin & Mary Blackmore
Hi Lee,
15lb, 2" pin, all points in line if possible.
Delivery address 225 Logan Street Eagleby QLD or will pick up on the Gold Coast what ever.
Kevin Blackmore