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  1. AMF Robina Bowl

    2013 Bcr8ive Media Gold Coast Tenpin Cup

    Scores after A squad now attached. Good luck to all bowling tomorrow. Re-entries will be taken up to 10 minutes prior to check-in.
  2. AMF Robina Bowl

    2013 Bcr8ive Media Gold Coast Tenpin Cup

    Hi guys and girls hope all is well? Here is the pattern that will be used for tournament. Hope to see everyone here, we are still asking for deposits even tho the deadline has past it is just easier to keep track on the numbers. Really hoping to see everyone here for the 1st Gold Coast Cup...
  3. AMF Robina Bowl

    2013 Bcr8ive Media Gold Coast Tenpin Cup

    Payment received
  4. AMF Robina Bowl

    2013 Bcr8ive Media Gold Coast Tenpin Cup

    Hi everyone Just to let you all know that you can now pay a deposit or pay in full with C/Card to the bowl for this event. You MUST only talk to RUTH to make your paymeant, that is so NO paymeants will get lost. Bank deposits are still the perfered way for deposits/in full paymeants. Name...
  5. AMF Robina Bowl

    New Robina Association

    Hi all not sure this is the right place but thought i'll give it a go. Just would like to say Robina is moving forward with the set up of a center based Association run by bowlers for the bowlers. We are really looking forward to bring more events to the area and also to work hard on getting...
  6. AMF Robina Bowl

    2013 Bcr8ive Media Gold Coast Tenpin Cup

    Hi everyone with the establish of the center base Association at Amf Robina I would like to give the new bank account details, the bank details that are on the entry form will remain open until the event so there will be no deposits or entry's lost for this event. Details are as follows...
  7. AMF Robina Bowl

    Brunswick Bowling Down Under Gold Coast

    Don't forget you can download the forms from in this thread, numbers are coming in so don't miss ya spot.. To all the bowlers who will be at Ballina for the border runners I will be down there with some forms for the this event.. Cheers Doug
  8. AMF Robina Bowl

    2013 Bcr8ive Media Gold Coast Tenpin Cup

    Thanks for the words mate. This wouldn't work with out the support of (you) the bowlers attending this great event. So thank you to all of you and a big thank you to Totalbowling for the use of this great forum with out it we would be lost. Cheers Doug
  9. AMF Robina Bowl

    2013 Bcr8ive Media Gold Coast Tenpin Cup

    Well Peeps the entry form is here you can find all the details on the form. PLEASE NOTE!!!!!! THE APP HAS NOT HIT ITUNES YET I WILL LET YOU KNOW ASAP ONCE IT HITS THE STORE FOR DOWN LOADING!!!!!!!!!! Cheers Doug
  10. AMF Robina Bowl

    Brunswick Bowling Down Under Gold Coast

    Howdy folks. We have had fair few deposits made so dont let your self miss out on this chance of a life time event. The guys are really looking forward to coming to the Gold Coast so make sure you get your entrys in to save your spot. Remember this event is designed to be up close and...
  11. AMF Robina Bowl

    2013 Bcr8ive Media Gold Coast Tenpin Cup

    d squad for ryan burton Please
  12. AMF Robina Bowl

    2013 Bcr8ive Media Gold Coast Tenpin Cup

    Updated Squad list as of 26/4/13
  13. AMF Robina Bowl

    2013 Bcr8ive Media Gold Coast Tenpin Cup

    Hi everyone these are the bank account details for this event. Please make sure you put your name as a ref so we know who is who. Douglas Kirby BSB: 014739 ACC: 189117383 We ask that all deposits and entry fee payments be made via Bank Transfer ONLY prior to the event and CASH ONLY at time...
  14. AMF Robina Bowl

    2013 Bcr8ive Media Gold Coast Tenpin Cup

    Yes I understand that but I was also waiting up a few things to come in before I put draft out and now things have came in.
  15. AMF Robina Bowl

    Brunswick Bowling Down Under Gold Coast

    Hi everyone Please find attached the Brunswick Bowling Tour flyer and entry form. The bank acc details are on the entry form. Please reference your name and “Pro Tour Friday” on the Transfer so we know who it is , also if you will be paying the remainder of balance on the day in centre can...
  16. AMF Robina Bowl

    2013 Bcr8ive Media Gold Coast Tenpin Cup

    Updated Squad Lists
  17. AMF Robina Bowl

    2013 Bcr8ive Media Gold Coast Tenpin Cup

    Updated squad list C Squad is now FULL and taking reserves. Joseph, have placed you as a Reserve for now in C squad, please indicate which other squad you would like. Again we would like to thank Total Bowling for use of this forum
  18. AMF Robina Bowl

    2013 Bcr8ive Media Gold Coast Tenpin Cup

    Updated Squad List Please take a moment to visit our Major Sponsor for this event at We'd also like to thank Total Bowling for use of this forum
  19. AMF Robina Bowl

    2013 Bcr8ive Media Gold Coast Tenpin Cup

    Updated Squad List
  20. AMF Robina Bowl

    2013 Bcr8ive Media Gold Coast Tenpin Cup

    Hi Bec Yeah it was very hard to find a date to fit it in between other events in QLD and everywhere else. I understand we will miss out of few bowlers who would of like to attend but no matter what date we pick we were always going to be going up something else. So fingers cross we can still...
  21. AMF Robina Bowl

    2013 Bcr8ive Media Gold Coast Tenpin Cup

    Hi. As most of you may be aware, the Gold Coast has not had a premier tenpin tournament for several years since the Ebonite International at Surfers Paradise. Now, we are back! The inaugural Gold Coast Tenpin Cup, proudly sponsored by Bcr8ive Media will be held at AMF Robina from August 16th...
  22. AMF Robina Bowl

    Brunswick Bowling Down Under Gold Coast

    Hi everyone the respose was great once we released it and thankyou to everyone who has shown great intrest. Can i ask everyone who has put their name down to please PM me your email address or leave below as i would like to stay in touch with you on any new updates and also once flyers come out...
  23. AMF Robina Bowl

    Dave kirby Bowles Another 300

    Hi all we at Robina would like to say congrats to Dave Kirby on bowling his 3rd 300 last night at AMF Robina in league.
  24. AMF Robina Bowl

    Brunswick Bowling Down Under Gold Coast

    Hi all AMF Robina Gold Coast are happy to announce that Parker Bohn III, Sean Rash and Chuck Gardner will be in center later this year on the Friday 6th of December for a one day clinic & pro-am. This one day clinic is designed to be up and close with the pros the whole day in the class room...
  25. AMF Robina Bowl


    Hi everyone Thank you for all coming yesterday afternoon it was a great night with some great scores. I hope you all had fun and really enjoyed it and had a great night and will hope too see you all again for the next one and maybe a few of the ones who didnt make it , next time maybe?? Please...
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