Jason "Ozzie" Osborne just beat Matthew Zerafa during the Matchplay finals of the NSW Country Open Masters with a perfect 300 game. The game was just bowled on lanes 13&14.
Finals are still being contested now. 2 rounds to go.
Well done Ozzie!
I would like to congratulate young Luke Cooper for bowling his first 300 this morning during his Teams Squad for this years 20th Annual NSW Country Championships. His 300 helped get the Championships B Grade Teams record!
Nice work mate, loved watching the game unfold! :)
I'd like to congratulate one of the Posse's best, Gavin Jones on bowling his first 300 last night (19/01/2010) during the Nu Vision Doubles League at Tenpin City Lidcombe.
Well done mate, I'm glad you finally rolled one! Shame it wasn't before me ;)
I would like to congratulate one of the younger bowlers, Ben Millerd for bowling his first 300 in League last Tuesday (12/01/2010) during the Nu Vision Doubles League.
Well done, good to see you followed up on your 299 from last year ;)
Should be very interesting how it all plays out since a large portion of bowlers don't bowl on wood lanes anymore. Good luck with the league, i'm sure you will keep alot of the bowlers very happy.