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  1. rpac23

    St Leonards Tenpin Club 2010/11

    9:00am check-in, 9:30am start... nice :p
  2. rpac23

    St Leonards Tenpin Club 2010/11

    Robert, Metro Cup is like ID, its a intercentre league. I have a copy, its 175.
  3. rpac23

    Jason Belmonte, First 300 for the 2010 NSW Country Open......

    I think its his 44th. Was great to be on the same pair when he bowled it. Not to mention his 290!
  4. rpac23

    2010 NSW Country Open Results

    Well done to all who made the Top 32! Was great fun bowling today! Thanks to all involved! :)
  5. rpac23

    Belmonte v Frilingos round 2

    I knew I was bowling at Orange for a reason! :p
  6. rpac23

    Big names set to come down under in October

    How can you speak badly about a bowl that hasn't been completed yet?
  7. rpac23

    2010 NSW Country Open (Orange).

    I know I havent paid my deposit, but i'll be there!
  8. rpac23

    St Leonards Tenpin Club 2010/11

    That'll do.
  9. rpac23

    2010 NSW Country Open (Orange).

    Please refresh us all on the Squad times. Thanks!
  10. rpac23

    Kev McRae 300 at Dandenong

    Well done Kevin! Keep them comin!
  11. rpac23

    Illawarra Adult Championships & Masters

    Being that AMF Illawarra Strikezone always hold the Illawarra Championships, I'd assume its self explanitory?
  12. rpac23

    Rodger Hangan 300 & Neil Mills 295

    Well done Rodger!!! Well done and back luck Neil!
  13. rpac23


    #40 is Nicholas Liem...
  14. rpac23

    Bec Whitng 300 in 15th Asian Youth championships

    Well done Bec! Good to get one away from home! Keep up the great bowling!
  15. rpac23

    Jason Osborne, 300 @ Orange Tenpin Bowl

    Ross Brown ended up beating Jason Osborne to make the final matchplay against Ron Forbes. Ross won Masters for 2010 when he beat Ron Forbes.
  16. rpac23

    Jason Osborne, 300 @ Orange Tenpin Bowl

    Jason "Ozzie" Osborne just beat Matthew Zerafa during the Matchplay finals of the NSW Country Open Masters with a perfect 300 game. The game was just bowled on lanes 13&14. Finals are still being contested now. 2 rounds to go. Well done Ozzie!
  17. rpac23

    Luke Cooper, 300 @ Orange Tenpin Bowl

    I would like to congratulate young Luke Cooper for bowling his first 300 this morning during his Teams Squad for this years 20th Annual NSW Country Championships. His 300 helped get the Championships B Grade Teams record! Nice work mate, loved watching the game unfold! :)
  18. rpac23

    Gavin Jones, 300 @ Tenpin City Lidcombe

    I don't care, I got one before him! :p Which now makes it two more of us gettin one before you ;) The 293 wasn't at Liverpool, it was at Castle Hill!
  19. rpac23

    Gavin Jones, 300 @ Tenpin City Lidcombe

    I'd like to congratulate one of the Posse's best, Gavin Jones on bowling his first 300 last night (19/01/2010) during the Nu Vision Doubles League at Tenpin City Lidcombe. Well done mate, I'm glad you finally rolled one! Shame it wasn't before me ;)
  20. rpac23

    Ben Millerd, 300 @ Tenpin City Lidcombe

    I would like to congratulate one of the younger bowlers, Ben Millerd for bowling his first 300 in League last Tuesday (12/01/2010) during the Nu Vision Doubles League. Well done, good to see you followed up on your 299 from last year ;)
  21. rpac23

    2010 NSW Country Open (Orange).

    Richard Palma & Michael McLaren for A Squad please
  22. rpac23

    3 in a row.

    Shame... me and Daniel have no mention on the AMF site... LoL
  23. rpac23


    Should be very interesting how it all plays out since a large portion of bowlers don't bowl on wood lanes anymore. Good luck with the league, i'm sure you will keep alot of the bowlers very happy.
  24. rpac23

    Check this out....

    I'd hate to use that approach considering the grease/gel they have in their hair :p
  25. rpac23

    What's your average and how does it equate to your true ability?

    I averaged 195 for 123 games at Tenpin City Lidcombe. I'd say I should be in the 180s if i'm off a house pattern...
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