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  1. C


    So who won these great prizes?? I hope i did!!
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    Rachuig 2007

    yes Tranny, believe it or not miracles do happen in this world!!
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    Rachuig 2007

    I agree with you there Tony, needs to be before State Champs!! And i also I understand that there are a lot of events on the calendar around this time but aren't there things on the calendar all year round? If im not mistaken... I do feel that next year will be the most appropriate time to...
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    Who would be interested

    thanks for the info stoppel
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    Boys and shorts

    Is it fair to presumme equal oppurtunity is the issue here?? Well, how about when women get paid the same amount of prize money when they win the same tournament as the men but in their respective field?? However, i do agree with you.. but having said that once you pay your deposit and...
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    Who would be interested

    would love to, again.. be nice to have some support this time!!
  7. C

    Rachuig 2007

    For all those interested, i feel from a bowling point of view things went well... I was assured the issues would be addressed.. I havent posted because i feel that it wasnt necessary.. i appreciate everyone's support especially those who PM me and sent me emails.. you know who u are.... But...
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    Columbia/Track Demo Days

    hey reg, where did u get the little mexican wave thing from its soo cute?
  9. C

    Columbia/Track Demo Days

    I thought it was a great idea aswell glen.... Unfortunatly the thumbs slugs were all to big for me... Thanks for your time and everyone else who had contributed!!
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    Rachuig 2007

    The problem Jo is that these so called compulsory training sessions are only compulsory to some...i recall two instances the first.. a thursday night i believe there were only 3 people that attended and only 1 management of 4.. so from a possible 15 there were 5 the second... the...
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    Rachuig 2007

    That's right only one person complained on here!! I was the only person with big enough balls to post, i understand why the others didnt speak up on here, but believe me they have sent their letters to TBA and i am happy they are backing my story, but you wouldn't even know half of the truth...
  12. C

    Rachuig 2007

    Stoppel, I have a meeting with TBA on saturday arvo and would be more then deligthed to print off your post and show it to them, so you dont have to waste your 50 cents. And if anyone else has any other suggestions but doesnt want to post on here, pm me and your confidentiality remains...
  13. C

    Rachuig 2007

    Keep them comments coming people.. about how it was done back 'in the old' days... apparently i am to meet with TBASA and would love to have some solid support of what it should be like and how it was when people enjoyed it. Yurac, my bad about the 'old' comment, but aren't you a senior now...
  14. C

    Rachuig 2007

    Brenton, From what I was told at rachuig... NSW only met once at State Champs before they met at rachuig.... Like i said i was only told, so i dont fully know (pls dont take this as being bit**y, just thought i would mention that) Danielle
  15. C

    Rachuig 2007

    Geeeez, What have i started i have awoken all these old bowlers from the dead!!!!
  16. C

    Rachuig 2007

    If my comments can be ignored, then i ask you why is everyone getting their knickers in a knot over them??.... obviously it hits home otherwise people wouldn't get so defensive. People dont see the messages i am getting sent privately except maybe Jase which is why he is able to comment... if...
  17. C

    Rachuig 2007

    Amen to that Jase!!!! Also, zulu i dont suppose you would be releated to one of the captains in any way would you? Its interesting how you dont put a name to your post. I understand its only natural instinct to protect the ones you love, even though nothing has been said about them or anyone...
  18. C

    Rachuig 2007

    Just a quick question Tony/Jase/ anyone with knowledge on the issue.. has anything i said breached the code of conduct because I am continually being threatened with it. I dont feel I have breached it, in fact havent mentioned any names or slandered TBA or haven't brought TBA into disrepute...
  19. C

    Rachuig 2007

    Lyn, Before i went away for rachuig i had heard many bad things about it, many comments included the fact that i would hate it and never bowl again... nevertheless i went in with an open mind and attitude and treated it like any other state team i had bowled.... the problem is you dont know...
  20. C

    Rachuig 2007

    Stoppel, As far as the walking goes there was a compulsory walk at 6:30 am on the sunday morning of our nationals squads.. the day after it had taken an hour and a half to get from the airport to the bowl and then two hours waiting for dinner that night.. we got home around 11ish (I believe)...
  21. C

    Rachuig 2007

    Stoppel, To answer some of your questions from someone from the female team... being my first year... and having bowled youth twice... (In my opinion) i hated it. I found it difficult to express issues from fear of sitting on the bench, didn't feel i could communicate with my captain nor coach...
  22. C


    thanks for the info stoppel and i'm very impressed you spelt Elliott with two T's!! Matt, i didnt mean to make you feel sick.. but because i did, perhaps i can offer you a bucket.. all jokes aside i do wish you well! I was merely pointing out obvious issues you may face.. but apparently...
  23. C


    Stoppel, I never intended on offending anyone with my salisbury comment, but i appreciate your honesty. Matt, i see what your trying to do.. but doesnt the problem lie here in SA, there is no point in getting interstate bowlers to bowl in your tournaments if you have no local support?? I...
  24. C


    Matt, I have to agree with you it is going no where.. but its a little hard to take it off-line if someone making 'threats' against you doesnt put a name to their post!! As far as Salisbury goes. i didn't bag it i just said it was unsuccessful.. which is the harsh reality and if anyone...
  25. C


    simmo.. perhaps you could pass your message on to all your fans... Not just the under age ones No, i dont have my own tournament but neither do you as far as i am aware, its not caled the Graham Simpson tournamnet or the (insert your own name here, because you couldnt put it on any of your...
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