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  1. C

    Woodville Skins

    Well, Basically because this is an in house tournament I have been informed that we pay $20 to the Woodville Bowlers Association. fill in some forms and Bob's your Uncle, were sanctioned! Not quite sure of the process for other tournaments like sports series etc. Danielle
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    Woodville Skins

    Good point Ash, I had the same thought earlier today! I am going to see Michael tomorrow and sort out some details, when I know i'll post on here and let all Know. Cheers, Shano
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    Woodville Skins

    Updated squad listing Shane Tunnah Robert Elliott Isaac Elliott Damo Teague Jeff Elliott Bill johnson Chris Cummins Colin Hunt Tony Stoppel Robert Chinner Ashely Warren Brenton Manning Darren Hill Jason Tura1 (lol) Chris Walden Paul Dollman Amanda Bauer Tony Long Rex Mead...
  4. C

    Woodville Skins

    Updated Squad list: Shane Tunnah Robert Elliott Isaac Elliott Damo Teague Jeff Elliott Bill johnson Chris Cummins Mat Schoey Tony Stoppel Robert Chinner Ashely Warren Brenton Manning Darren Hill Jason Tura1 (lol) Chris Walden Paul Dollman 16 so far good work, only 9 more...
  5. C

    2008 Columbia Youth Cup

    hey could u pls put shane tunnah in A squad cheers
  6. C

    Woodville Skins

    sorry i didnt realise that shane had already put you on the list.. clearly a communication break down in our house!!
  7. C

    Woodville Skins

    As well as the four prizes mentioned above we hane now added: High Female ave $50 (again only one person can win each prize) Tony, Should i add your interest to the list?? Its gonna be a good event..Lots of cash on offer? Danielle
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    Woodville Skins

    Hi Marty, This is a very good suggestion and is my intension to add a female prize. I am still looking for sponsers and im waiting on some more figures before i promise any more prizes. cheers Shano
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    salisbury classic singles

    please add shane tunnah to the squad Thanks, Danielle
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    Woodville Skins

    Due to sponsorship, more prizes have been added. These include: first 300 is $100 high senior ave $50 high adult ave $50 high youth ave $50 each person can only win one of these four prizes. Squad list: Shane Tunnah Robert Elliott Isaac Elliott Damo Teague Jeff Elliott...
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    Woodville Skins

    SKINS TOURNAMENT Just informing everyone that on the 5th July 2008 AMF WOODVILLE will be holding a Fundraising event to help raise money for Danielle Elliott and Shane Tunnah for Rachuig. Brief Outline: Entry Fee $130 8 games-top 3 scores in each game cashes Flyer attached for...
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    Melbourne International Tenpin Cup

    Hi could you please put Robert chinner, Shane Tunnah, Mat Schoessow and Jason Turai into C squand thanks
  13. C


    As one of those people employed on a hourly basis whom, according to you doesnt give a hoot, i take offence to your comment!! I do give a damn about bowlers, i care about their experience and i would on any given day go out of my way do absolutely anything that they request.. i think that you...
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    Brenton Davy 3rd at AO

    Congrates to Brenton for bowling so well this long weekend, that's 2 3rd and a 2nd in this years ranked tournys already, your in the best form i've seen you in for a long time and its good to see you back up near the top again. I think your well over due for another win soon and by the looks of...
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    2008 Playford Classic

    hi paul, cna u please put Shane Tunnah in B squad thanks.
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    Tranny, Similar question to Robert and Tony Scenario... Player 'A' is highest scoring out of 35 registered BBA sport series (playford)and player 'B' is last. Player 'A' = 70 points, player 'B'= 2 points.. For the rest of the season player 'B' wins every tournament with only 10 bowlers in...
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    2008 Adult State Championships

    Anyone seen the fee breakdown?? to me there seems to be a $1 difference between the squad fees and breakdown... Danielle
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    Julie, Having bowled youth in 2006 and 2007, from experience i can tell you that unfortunately there is very little interest in our Youth State Team!! (i'm not opening a can of worms, its the blunt honest truth) Danielle
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    2008 Women's Adelaide Cup

    Can you please add Katherine Elliott into 'B' Squad... Thanks
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    Hi Doriana, Can you please change Shane Tunnah from 'A' Sqaud to 'C' Squad Thanks
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    State Rachuig Meeting

    Just letting Everyone know, that The State Rachuig Meeting will be held at 2pm on the 20th of January at Cross Road Bowl. Thanks, Danielle
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    2008 SA Cup

    Hi, Can you please add Shane Tunnah to 'A' Squad Thanks
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    2008 Women's Adelaide Cup

    Can you please put Danielle Elliott for B squad. Thanks
  24. C

    AMF Woodville Bowl - what the?

    Rob, Thanks for the information.. most of which people are unaware of, but now that your issue has been bought to light, I'm sure something will be done about it. I myself am a big fan of total bowling and getting a point across.. so i think you have done what you needed to, in order to be...
  25. C

    AMF Woodville Bowl - what the?

    I cant speak on behalf of the bowl but i can speak on behalf of someone on the WBA committee.. I very much doubt that Gary would read this site so he probably wont see it, but i want to assure both of you that He would be willing to recify any issues that you have with the bowl... I have...
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