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  1. Loose Cannon

    Another Bowl Closed.

    Whilst being a long term tennant it seems it wasn't enough for the landlord to invest in the upkeep of the building.Many owners of commercial properties only rent it out to cover their operating costs, and make their real money from the increase in the value of the property. An investor who...
  2. Loose Cannon

    No thumb rule change.[tt_news]=1302&cHash=8105436df6 TBA are not changing this rule prior to January 1st 2015, following the WTBA decision to also
  3. Loose Cannon

    Aidan Gets A Helping Hand Right: A Special Olympics Southern Highlands athlete has received support from the Kollege of Knowledge Kommittee for Kids to help him get to the Special Olympics national competition in Melbourne this year...
  4. Loose Cannon

    Another Bowl Closed. Game Over For Albury tenpin bowling By NIGEL MCNAY Mel and Niaomi Chettleburgh have been running the Albury Ten Pin Bowling Centre for the past 11 years. Picture: KYLIE ESLER ALBURY Tenpin Bowling Centre will...
  5. Loose Cannon

    Unacredited Coaching

  6. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Tenpin 9 no tap tournament June 6th

    I could count on one hand the amount of pretend strikes I had for the night ( 9s) :p , I was even trying to get 9s and still couldn't.o_O strikes & 8s for me that night. Another good response for our 2nd 9 no tap tournament , the goal for highlands tenpin is to host an open tournament in the...
  7. Loose Cannon

    Unacredited Coaching

    #Thread Bump# I recently became an accredited coach at our local centre for varying reasons, building confidence and development the main areas which were highlighted as a concern. A news paper article will be going to press soon promoting the resources within our centre as to why coaching...
  8. Loose Cannon

    Roto Grip Roto Grip Hyper Cell

    Great ball, very versatile can play up or across the boards with this ball. Gets thru the heads comfortably takes of midlane and a smooth big backend hook doesn't snap hard very predictable . I have my layout at 4/4/2.5.
  9. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Tenpin 9 no tap tournament June 6th

    Congrats to Darrin Honeysett & Samantha Edwards for taking out the second highlands tenpin 9 no tap tournament with a combined pinfall of 4992. Full results will be uploaded in the coming days.
  10. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Tenpin 9 no tap tournament June 6th

    Still have 3 spots available for this Fridays 9 no tap tournament if anyone's keen.
  11. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Tenpin 9 no tap tournament June 6th

    Updated List. 1. George Williams - Byron Maddox 2. Cherone Griffiths- Spike Zahra 3. Luke Hannon - Andrew Norman 4.Tim Bevan - John Velo 5. Roy Howell - Dale Yeomans 6. Mitch Bloomfield - John Carroll 7. Jason Tinker - Mel Tinker 8. Connor Nolan - Craig Nolan 9. Carol Unwin - Amanda Schiebel 10...
  12. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Tenpin 9 no tap tournament June 6th

    Updated List. 1. George Williams - Byron Maddox 2. Cherone Griffiths- Spike Zahra 3. Luke Hannon - Andrew Norman 4.Tim Bevan - John Velo 5. Roy Howell - Dale Yeomans 6. Mitch Bloomfield - John Carroll 7. Jason Tinker - Mel Tinker 8. Connor Nolan - Craig Nolan 9. Carol Unwin - Amanda Schiebel 10...
  13. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Tenpin 9 no tap tournament June 6th

    All questions can be directed to Diane Mc Ausland the tournament director at . As for league averages if you don't have a current one then whatever your average was in your last league you played .
  14. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Tenpin 9 no tap tournament June 6th

    Updated List. 1. George Williams - Byron Maddox 2. Cherone Griffiths- ? 3. Luke Hannon - Andrew Norman 4.Tim Bevan - John Velo 5. Roy Howell - Dale Yeomans 6. Mitch Bloomfield - John Carroll 7. Jason Tinker - Mel Tinker 8. Connor Nolan - Craig Nolan 9. Carol Unwin - Amanda Schiebel 10. Samantha...
  15. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Tenpin 9 no tap tournament June 6th

    Aren't u talking after your grudge match on Friday ? ;)
  16. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Tenpin 9 no tap tournament June 6th

    Sorry mate stupid auto correct on the phone.:confused:
  17. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Tenpin 9 no tap tournament June 6th

    1. George Williams - Byron Maddox 2. Wayne Griffiths - Cherone Griffiths 3. Luke Hannon - Andrew Norman 4.Tim Bevan - John Velo 5. Ray Howell - Dale Yeomans 6. Mitch Bloomfield - John Carroll 7. Jason Tinker - Mel Tinker 8. Connor Nolan - Craig Nolan 9. Carol Unwin - Amanda Schiebel
  18. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Tenpin 9 no tap tournament June 6th

    Ill be changing the flyer tomorrow but the organisers have decided to move the tournament to the week before now which will be held on the 30th May.
  19. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Tenpin 9 no tap tournament June 6th

    After a successful 9 no tap tournament held back in January, Highlands Tenpin Mittagong will be holding another one, this time on Friday June 6th. It will be identical to the one held in January with the criteria for team average the same ,a 9pm roll off, same entry fee, prizemoney on offer etc...
  20. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Tenpin 9/No Tap Tournament January 17th

    Another 9 no tap tournament will be held in june at highlands tenpin, it will be on a Friday night again this space for more details as they come to hand.
  21. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Ten Pin Monthly Coaching Clinics

    Please be advised that this week's clinic has been cancelled due to lack of numbers. Next clinic will be held Sunday 27th April.
  22. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Ten Pin Monthly Coaching Clinics

    Just Andrew Frawley will be attending this week's clinic, we've purposely kept clinic this week as a small group so Andrew can attend to all the bowlers.
  23. Loose Cannon

    USBC Masters Results - Don't read if you haven't watched as yet. Fox sports news also featured the achievement
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