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  1. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Tenpin 9 no Tap 14th November

    Updated squad list 1.Tim Bevan & Tamara Boater 2. John Velo & Luke Hannon 3.Wayne Griffiths & Taneisha Griffiths 4. Mitch Bloomfield & pending 5. Craig Nolan & Connor Nolan 6. Roy Howell & Dale Yeomans 7. Jason Tinker & Mel Tinker 8. Chris Nutt & Ben Reynolds 9. Anthony Koglin & Michael Smidt...
  2. Loose Cannon

    Why is everyone so depressingly agreeable?

    I did hear wether it eventuates or if tba are planning its implimentation is to have development officers to go into schools etc much like they do in rugby league, afl and other sports and to sell , promote, teach the game and help grow numbers starting at grassroots level.
  3. Loose Cannon

    Anyone In Melbourne Want Their Own Home Bowling lane?

    Now that's a man cave I could see myself in.
  4. Loose Cannon

    Anyone In Melbourne Want Their Own Home Bowling lane?

    She probably knows you'll get no work done John.:D
  5. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Tenpin 9 no Tap 14th November

    1.Tim Bevan & Tamara Boater 2. John Velo & Luke Hannon 3.Wayne Griffiths & Taneisha Griffiths 4. Mitch Bloomfield & Spike Zahra 5. Craig Nolan & Connor Nolan 6. Roy Howell & Dale Yeomans 7. Jason Tinker & Mel Tinker 8. Chris Nutt & Ben Reynolds 9. Anthony Koglin & Michael Smidt 10. Andy Magill &...
  6. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Special Olympians Of To The Oz Nationals

    Highlanders in the Special Olympics National Games Highlanders Kelsie Waters, Aidan Ellis and Cherrie Isbister, with coach Diane McAusland, are competing at the Special Olympics...
  7. Loose Cannon

    New Bowling Ball Discussion

    Have to agree john, what makes this particular ball different to say the other 150 new releases a year is how they are marketing & advertising this ball. I for one won't be fooled on its hard sell approach, apparently this ball can hook on ice,mud, canola oil or any other anomaly you can think...
  8. Loose Cannon

    Why is everyone so depressingly agreeable?

    Two games ,shoe hire, hot dog fries & a coke ? :p
  9. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Tenpin 9 no Tap 14th November

    Updated Squad List 1.Tim Bevan & Tamara Boater 2. John Velo & Luke Hannon 3.Wayne Griffiths & Taneisha Griffiths 4. Pending & Spike Zahra 5. Craig Nolan & Connor Nolan 6. Roy Howell & Dale Yeomans 7. Jason Tinker & Mel Tinker 8. Chris Nutt & Ben Reynolds 9. Anthony Koglin & Michael Smidt 10...
  10. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Tenpin 9 no Tap 14th November

    Due to a conflicting schedule the qubica /amf demo night which was to be held before the 9 no tap has now been moved to December to coincide with the centres xmas party , will post more on this soon in another thread.
  11. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Tenpin 9 no Tap 14th November

    Updated Squad List 1.Tim Bevan & Tamara Boater 2. John Velo & Luke Hannon 3.Wayne Griffiths & Taneisha Griffiths 4. Pending & Spike Zahra 5. Craig Nolan & Connor Nolan 6. Roy Howell & Dale Yeomans 7. Jason Tinker & Mel Tinker 8. Chris Nutt & Ben Reynolds 9. Anthony Koglin & Michael Smidt 10...
  12. Loose Cannon

    Why is everyone so depressingly agreeable?

    Its a random pic I googled.
  13. Loose Cannon

    Why is everyone so depressingly agreeable?

    Yeah I remember you had to have one lead pencil to use on your scoresheet to hand into your league Secretary and one white pencil to score at the desk. I bet most young people wouldn't know what this is.
  14. Loose Cannon

    Why is everyone so depressingly agreeable?

    Talking about the ATBC I found this the other day , a remnant from my jnr bowling days at the now defunct Goulburn Ten Pin Bowl.
  15. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Tenpin 9 no Tap 14th November

    Updated Squad List 1.Tim Bevan & Tamara Boater 2. John Velo & Luke Hannon 3.Wayne Griffiths & Taneisha Griffiths 4. Cherone Griffiths & Spike Zahra 5. Craig Nolan & Connor Nolan 6. Roy Howell & Dale Yeomans 7. Jason Tinker & Mel Tinker 8. Chris Nutt & Ben Reynolds 9. Anthony Koglin & Anthony Smidt
  16. Loose Cannon

    Bowling Centre Coffee

    A fun topic this one but I had a conversation over the weekend with a few bowlers about bowling centre coffee and how some make great cups whilst others taste like burnt mud. Now I don't want to name & shame bowling centres that make bad cuppas but feel free to make your case which centres make...
  17. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Tenpin 9 no Tap 14th November

    1.Tim Bevan & Tamara Boater 2. John Velo & Luke Hannon 3.Wayne Griffiths & Taneisha Griffiths 4. Cherone Griffiths & Spike Zahra 5. Craig Nolan & Connor Nolan 6. Roy Howell & Dale Yeomans 10 spots left.
  18. Loose Cannon

    NSWO Scores

    Check here for live scores
  19. Loose Cannon

    Highlands Tenpin 9 no Tap 14th November

    Highlands Tenpin Mittagong is hosting its 3rd , 9 no Tap tournament for the year in what is becoming a quite popular format for all bowlers alike , our first winners were Sam Cooley & Jaqueline Heldoorn, our 2nd winners were Darrin Honeysett & Samantha Edwards ,who will be next ???? So far...
  20. Loose Cannon

    NSW Storm Sport Series Event #5 AMF Blacktown - 7th September

    Well we can look at this two ways, us men are so selfless that we tend to overlook these days that are intended for us for the greater good or we are so hopeless we forget these dates of importance like anniversaries, wifes birthday etc which I'm definately the latter, they say you forget it...
  21. Loose Cannon

    NSW Storm Sport Series Event #4 AMF Rooty Hill - 6th July

    did nominate on the facebook page , add Luke Hannon please;)
  22. Loose Cannon

    Lane Topology explained

    This was particularly evident last sports series at blacktown with a flat short pattern at around 2:1 ratio , tricky alright ,like threading a needle every shot. The lane topography & its inherent conditions definitely added another anomaly to the challenge, evidence with the the average of the...
  23. Loose Cannon

    NSW Storm Sport Series Event #3 AMF Blacktown - 6th July

    Very challenging pattern today , one of the toughest I've bowled on that's for sure. A 161 average for the entire field showed it was hard day on the lanes.
  24. Loose Cannon

    Bowling Centre For sale
  25. Loose Cannon

    2014 Bathurst Pitstop

    I hope it doesn't get cancelled because of a scheduling issue, I'd rather see it on than not at all
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