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  1. Loose Cannon

    What Ball Do I Need ?

    Don't know yet John, with so many different makes of brands flooding the market my decision is as clear as mud at this stage :)
  2. Loose Cannon

    Storm The Storm Virtual Gravity NANO is coming

    Got mine recently, need to put a few more miles on it to get some game shine on it. It smells quite nice too:p
  3. Loose Cannon

    Relaxing of thumb

    Yes it does feel strange , when i got my ball drilled recently with a thumb slug it was pointed out to me that i was used to gripping my ball like a claw and squeezing my thumb . When i was doing some practice releases the ball was still on my hand, it was just a mental thing trusting the ball...
  4. Loose Cannon

    What Ball Do I Need ?

    Well i took the 2 hr drive to see jason today at bowlers edge and got my ball of choice drilled, now the proud owner of a Storm virtual gravity nano. After reviewing my bowling style, working out my PAP, span,drilling, witty banter ,2 hrs just flew by.It was well worth the drive as Jason is just...
  5. Loose Cannon

    How many leagues do you bowl in per week?

    Im a shift worker so i can only fit in one a week
  6. Loose Cannon

    Bowling again after 19 years

    The old angles werent a bad ball in their day , had a purple one myself.
  7. Loose Cannon

    What Ball Do I Need ?

    Hey Everyone, Have returned to bowling recently after a long layoff and have been bowling with my old brunswick rhino & columbia u dot urethane balls for the time being mainly just to get my form and rythym back( see pic).Man these things could hook in their day but they have little or no...
  8. Loose Cannon

    Bowling again after 19 years

    Yes i have found this out already . They dont hook much , absorb the oil ,pretty much had to wipe my ball after very throw also and dont seem the have the penetration like i remembered they did. In the day i could bowl a brooklyn with the rhino and 95% of the time would always strike it was that...
  9. Loose Cannon

    Weber Cup now on!

    I see its on fox sports 1 and is at 12.30am on thursday morning 24th feb, and goes for 2 hrs. Next show is on thurs night at midnight.
  10. Loose Cannon

    Bowling again after 19 years

    Heres a pic of my old balls.
  11. Loose Cannon

    Weber Cup now on!

    I'm actually watching this now on fox sports. Is Dick Weber who is bowling for the USA is this the guy the cup is named after? I know how distracting it is when a bowler takes off besides you when you start to bowl, imagine what these guys have to mentally block out bowling on a single lane with...
  12. Loose Cannon

    Bowling again after 19 years

    thanks for the advice guys
  13. Loose Cannon

    Bowling again after 19 years

    Thanx for that. Yep my old balls were the old urethane made ones, my brunswick rhino was the main ball i used with the columbia i used a spare pickup ball. Just unsure how these balls are now compared to the plastic & reactive ones of today. What are drilling costs these days? I'm happy to spend...
  14. Loose Cannon

    Bowling again after 19 years

    Hi Everyone, A newbie here. I'm currently about to take up competitive bowling again after 19 year lay off. I have bowled socially in that time even with bowling house balls i am getting 150-160's, so i feel i have still got my mojo. I was a junior bowler for 5 years and had an average of...
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