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  1. R

    No WA Rachuig Team 2013 - is this really in the best interests of the sport?

    we get nothing here mate. We need to apply to any government or council for any assistance ourselves as individuals, and because we are adults, we dont usually get anything. Our juniors get anywhere between $50 and $200 i think from local councils, but im pretty sure Rachuig players get nothing.
  2. R

    No WA Rachuig Team 2013 - is this really in the best interests of the sport?

    I personally do not know the reasons behind WA not sending a team as i was not in attendance at the last few state meetings. I know several people from last years team have other arrangements for October/November and thus did not nominate. On average (since 2005 anyway) i have paid in the...
  3. R

    How do we fix entry numbers at ranked events?

    Hi all Before I get started, I want to say that this thread needs to be for the better of our sport and not turn into another s*** fight because people's opinions clash. This is purely a suggestion thread that we can ALL use to help out our local ranked event organizers. Ok. So I personally...
  4. R

    Sunraysia Tenpin Cup 2013 May 18 & 19.

    Hey mate, i dont want to sound like a sour puss here, but could you possibly look at doing a revised prize fund based on 45/50 bowlers? I somehow dont think you will attain the 75 required in the next 6 weeks.......just so we know what we are playing for.
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    2013 Bcr8ive Media Gold Coast Tenpin Cup

    Can you please put down Matt Watson, Chris Watson, Michael Muir and Ashley Warren into C Squad? Ill look at the logistics and see if we can warrant coming over...
  6. R

    TBA ???? GOOD or BAD

    Why does that need to be said sarcastically? Surely we all know our membership is peanuts compared to other sports. We should increase it to $100 MINIMUM, more likely $200 to help our sport...................alas, the MAJORITY of our members, whinge and grumble at having to pay a measley...
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    2013 Melbourne Tenpin Cup

    You not married anymore mate?
  8. R

    2013 Melbourne Tenpin Cup

    Matt Watson, Michael Muir & Chris Watson all for B squad please
  9. R

    Tournaments. What do bowlers really want? Can TBA do more?

    ***2 events in the same weekend****
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    Tournaments. What do bowlers really want? Can TBA do more?

    I think you'll find that TBA won't sanction 2 events in the same events in the same state on the same day if one of them is a "state" event such as the rachuig trials. I could be wrong but..........
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    Tournaments. What do bowlers really want? Can TBA do more?

    There is one..............................its called Rachuig.......................;)
  12. R

    8pins start for women, did it work?

    I'm the Like you mate, I never choose my entire arsenal on the graph, I choose 3 balls plus my plastic and then chuck in a couple of balls I'm comfortable using on a variety of conditions. But not everybody has te same approach. Some guys don't want to fork out another $40-$50 on excess to...
  13. R

    8pins start for women, did it work?

    I never said the patterns would be playable in every house, simply that they should be laid as is. I understand parts of the lane would be worn out, that will just force players to attack the pattern differently. As we all know, there is no one right way to play any pattern, as different players...
  14. R

    8pins start for women, did it work?

    Every pattern SHOULD be playable in every centre an on every surface. It will just alter how it plays. Tokyo at innisfail will play differently to Tokyo at caboolture, which will play differently to Tokyo at rooty hill, which will play differently to Tokyo at red rock. Surely it will just...
  15. R

    Tournaments. What do bowlers really want? Can TBA do more?

    Deano, good thread. IMHO, you don't need $5000+ top place prizefunds to attract more numbers. I honestly believe, if you can find the money to pay down deep enough (and well enough) in a prizefund, more people will come. For example, Mentone Cup is paying $1000 for 4th place. and for a $220...
  16. R

    8pins start for women, did it work?

    Are you suggesting women can't do the same?
  17. R

    8pins start for women, did it work?

    Are you actually suggesting that mick trains? ;)
  18. R

    8pins start for women, did it work?

    Not true glen. The women can compete in open events at their choosing. Joondalup cup had the 8 pins per game, and how many of the ladies in the east opted to bowl that? I think there was 1 from memory. The women actually have 12 events they CAN compete in throughout the year, where the men only...
  19. R

    8pins start for women, did it work?

    Very good thread, and after having read all the way through it, it seems like an interesting "discussion". Mary did tell me on the weekend (as others have already stated), that the 8 pins didnt change the number of female entries from last year (but when a tournament sells out completely every...
  20. R

    2013 Nationals

    It wont be a WBT/PBA event this year, because of the clash. I have heard rumours that there was a large sum of money put up by the Townsville Council for the tender which was for the masters, but with the date clash, no amount of money will make it a WBT/PBA stop unless they change the dates...
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    Please remove Matt Watson and Chris Watson from the tournament. We have opted to work that weekend instead. Thanks Matt
  22. R

    The Wrestling Thread

    Fatal 4 way for WHC between Ziggler, Big Show, Alberto Del Rio and Chris Jericho Jericho to win! I think it will be a Rock v Cena rematch for WWE title, but Brock Lesnar will play some kind of part in that too i imagine
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    2013 Nationals

    ours are usually in august...................
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    Jez, I also did some numbers, with the toal prizefund being $13,300, i think the game rate would be about the $4.50 mark with no sponsorhsip........
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    I don't want to sound rude..............but is this a joke? Where does our money go? Im going to use a comparrison from the weekend just gone at Joondalup, 4th place there paid $1500 and 4th here pays $900. Joondalup was based on 48 entries, this is based on 75........I understand there are more...
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