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    B Squad Please Matt Watson Chris Watson Michael Muir Chris Matthews Samantha Matthews
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    2019 Kegel QLD Open

    Matt Watson Chris Watson Michael Muir Morty Douglass All for B squad please
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    Matt Watson Michael Muir Chris Watson All for D squad please Batesy
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    $28,000 Melbourne Tenpin Cup 11th & 12th June @ Chirnside Park Bowl

    Hi Waz Can you please swap Matt Watson, Chris Watson, Mike Muir & Siarn Ottaviano into A Squad? Cheers Matt
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    15lb NIB Storm Pitch Red

    Ive got 1 x 15lb Storm Pitch Red NIB. $200 posted to any capital city, anywhere regional will just be the difference of postage from your nearest capital to your location added to the price. Located in Perth
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    $28,000 Melbourne Tenpin Cup 11th & 12th June @ Chirnside Park Bowl

    Do we have any idea what the pattern is going to be for this event?
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    just sent my entry off Brenda :) Matt
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    $28,000 Melbourne Tenpin Cup 11th & 12th June @ Chirnside Park Bowl

    Hey mate, can you throw Mike in as well please. Will confirm but best to put him in
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    $28,000 Melbourne Tenpin Cup 11th & 12th June @ Chirnside Park Bowl

    Matt Watson Chris Watson Ashley Warren Siarn Ottaviano All for lunchtime saturday so im guessing B squad please.
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    2016 Kegel QLD Open

    Quick question about reserves. Come Deposit due date, do reserves get put in the squads in order of listing or if someone has paid a deposit do they get preference? Given we are not in a squad, technically our deposits are not due by this date as we are not holding a tournament spot?....
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    2016 Wodonga Super Skins

    i spoke to Paul but add Matt Watson in please.
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    2016 Wodonga Super Skins

    Hi Gayle How many do you have for this?
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    2015 Apps unloaded Gold Coast Cup

    Can you please remove Matt Watson, Chris Watson, Stephen Carter & Ashley Warren, none of us are able to make it now.
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    2015 Schweppes Melbourne Tenpin Cup

    Hi, can you please remove Matt Watson and Michael Muir from all please. Thankyou
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    2015 Schweppes Melbourne Tenpin Cup

    Hi Lee Can you please add Michael Muir, Ashley Warren and Matt Watson to C Squad and reserve for B, and re entry squads 4 & 5 please
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    Brunswick Tour Down Under 2015???

    Tezza, the boys are indeed coming to Perth. The date is Tuesday October 6. I will PM you the information as it has only been finalized this week Matt
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    I need a ball driller in Perth ASAP

    Hi jon, what time are you looking for? I can help about 10am?
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    2015 Australian Open & Vic 150 Entries AMF Keon Park

    Can you please add Chase Wilkins to A squad
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    2015 Australian Open & Vic 150 Entries AMF Keon Park

    Please also add Ashley Warren to A squad
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    2015 Australian Open & Vic 150 Entries AMF Keon Park

    Please add Matt Watson, Michael Muir, Stephen Carter and Bonita Muir to A Squad (ill confirm bonitas division shortly)
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    2015 AUSTRALIAN OPEN & VIC 150 - AMF Keon Park

    Can you please add Matt Watson, Michael Muir and Stephen Carter to A squad.
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    2015 Joondalup Cup

    Current Squad List Attached
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    2015 Joondalup Cup

    In b squad Paul. thanks mate
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    2015 Joondalup Cup

    hi daniel, you were added yesterday by brnedan meads. all good mate
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