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  1. Mindi

    2014 Vic 150 & 2014 Australian Open

    B squad for Michelle Taylor please. Scratch division
  2. Mindi

    2014 Vic 150 & 2014 Australian Open

    If no room in C squad, B squad will be fine. Amanda de lange
  3. Mindi

    2014 Vic 150 & 2014 Australian Open

    C squad for Amanda de lange scratch please
  4. Mindi

    Final VSS Event of the Year

    Please remove Amanda de lange
  5. Mindi

    Final VSS Event of the Year

    please add manda de lange to the list
  6. Mindi

    What happened to Emerson Shield?

    Does anyone have a print out of the final standing sheets and averages that we can look at?
  7. Mindi

    What happened to Emerson Shield?

    You seem to be all about the talk Wayne. Never seen any actions like you Actually bowling.!!
  8. Mindi

    2013 VSS Event 4 - Oz Tenpin Point Cook 4th August

    I previously asked to be removed but name is still on the list. So can you please remove me as I have Emerson shield practice that day.
  9. Mindi

    Damien Robinson 800 #2

    Well done damo. Was good to be on the lanes with you watching you bowl.
  10. Mindi

    2013 VSS Event 4 - Oz Tenpin Point Cook 4th August

    Please remove Amanda delange. We have final Emerson practice that weekend.
  11. Mindi

    2013 VSS Event 4 - Oz Tenpin Point Cook 4th August

    Amanda delange please
  12. Mindi


    That's for the TBA to answer
  13. Mindi


    Dean, Melbourne cup and country champs were on the same time last year as well I think. That's why I didn't bowl champs coz I bowled Melbourne cup instead.
  14. Mindi

    2013 VSS Event 3 - Chirnside Park 2nd June

    Please remove Michael Bosma
  15. Mindi

    High games in Geelong

    Few high games recently in Geelong by a couple of veteran bowlers. Last Thursday night 16/5 Russell Smith bowled a 300 and Thursday just gone 23/5 Steve Kiss bowled a 300 and Paul Campbell bowled a 298. Also a couple of weeks ago Paul bowled a 290 and finished with a 804 series I think it was...
  16. Mindi

    2013 Melbourne Tenpin Cup

    Any entry form yet?
  17. Mindi

    2013 VSS Event 3 - Chirnside Park 2nd June

    Can you please remove Amanda delange. Geelong have Emerson shield tryouts that day.
  18. Mindi

    2013 VSS Event 3 - Chirnside Park 2nd June

    Please add Amanda delange and Michael Bosma.
  19. Mindi

    Josh Robinson Bowls his first 300

    Congratulations Josh.. I think there will be many more to come soon..
  20. Mindi

    2013 Melbourne Tenpin Cup

    A squad for Amanda delange please
  21. Mindi

    15 lbs Balls must go Make an Offer

    How much for the fringe or critical theory?
  22. Mindi

    VSS Event 2 - 24th March at Geelong

    Can you please remove Amanda de lange
  23. Mindi


    The boys came together as a team and bowled pretty well.. Almost came away with the win.
  24. Mindi

    VSS Event 2 - 24th March at Geelong

    please add amanda delange to the list
  25. Mindi

    Storm Frantic 15lb

    How much for delivery to geelong Victoria?
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