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  1. N

    2016 Senior Australian Open

    Hi sue, I have transferred payment in full for Jim Bakirtzidis and I Thanks Noelle
  2. N

    2015 Seniors Australian Open

    Sorry Tony, I realised after I hit send. It must have been my excitement. Thank you
  3. N

    2015 Seniors Australian Open

    of my goodness . thank you Tony Long. I was waiting for updates
  4. N

    2015 Seniors Australian Open

    Hey Chris. TBA website just updated. Check it out.
  5. N

    2015 Seniors Australian Open

    Hi Sue, Jim Bakirtzidis paid in full via EFT thanks
  6. N

    2015 "The Hammer" Qld Seniors Classic

    Hi Again Carol Jim has just reminded me of his D/C status. hence I have made full payment for me only Can you please advise if this is correct? thanks Noelle
  7. N

    2015 "The Hammer" Qld Seniors Classic

    Hi Carol Jim and Noelle Bakirtzidis payment in full has been transferred. thanks Noelle
  8. N

    Andrew Lloyd 300 #30

    just catching up on the news Andrew, a belated congratulations to you on your number 30 x 300. impressive to say the least.
  9. N

    2014 SA Seniors Classic

    Hi Tony Jim Bakirtzidis is paid in full thanks
  10. N

    2014 HAMMER Qld Senior Classic

    Hi Carol I transferred $100 today being the deposit for George and Janette Sammut thanks Noelle
  11. N

    2013 SA Seniors Classic

    Hi Tony, Hope you're well Just letting you know that I have made payment in full for Jim Bakirtzidis. Please let me know if all Ok and received thanks Noelle
  12. N


    congratulations Greg. Many more to come I'm sure.
  13. N

    2013 Seniors Australian Open

    Hi Sue Can you please add George Sammut and Janette Rigby-Sammut to squad A. thank you
  14. N

    2013 Seniors Australian Open

    Hi Sue Deposit paid and email sent to you
  15. N

    2013 Seniors Australian Open

    Hi Sue I dont see Jim and Noelle Bakirtzidis in the listing for Squad A can you please add us in thanks
  16. N

    2013 Macquarie Bank Sydney Seniors Classic

    Hi Susanne Can you please add Jim and Noelle Bakirtzidis to squad A please
  17. N

    2013 SA Seniors Classic

    Hi Tony Can you please add Jim Bakirtzidis to the reserve list for squad B thanks
  18. N

    2013 Seniors Australian Open

    Sorry about the rush in typing above. what i meant was put us in squad A but if something comes up in B then we would prefer that instead. Thanks Sue
  19. N

    2013 Seniors Australian Open

    Hi SuCan you please add Jim and Noelle Bakirtzidis to Squadshould 2 spots become available in B then it would be appreciated if you would move us. I will transfer payment shortly
  20. N

    Canberra Seniors Cup 2013

    Hi Ian Plese add Nick koumandakisto the reserve list. Any squad is fine. I will transfer deposit forim and I later today
  21. N

    Hammer Classic 2013

    Hi Again just to let you know that I have transferred payment in full for Jim Bakirtzidis and I . Total $420.00
  22. N

    Hammer Classic 2013

    Hi Carol, I think you may have missed my earlier message to have Nick Koumandakis included in squad B perhaps if you could include him in either would be good thanks Noelle
  23. N

    Hammer Classic 2013

  24. N

    Hammer Classic 2013

    Hi Carol can Jim bakirtzidis and I swap to B squad and can you also include Nick Koumandakis in B squad as well
  25. N

    Hammer Classic 2013

    Hi Carol can you please add Jim and Noelle Bakirtzidis to squad A thanks
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