Recent content by Thorpey

  1. Thorpey


    The add for the ball is 14 years was posted on the 31st July 2007.
  2. Thorpey

    2021 Kegel QLD open

    Can you please take me off the list.
  3. Thorpey

    2021 John Sullivan Senior Australian Open

    Hi Sue, $50 Deposit paid for myself.
  4. Thorpey

    2021 Hammer Queensland Senior Classic

    $50 paid for Andrew Thorpe.
  5. Thorpey

    String Bowling

    USBC affirms string pinsetters are non-approved equipment
  6. Thorpey

    2021 John Sullivan Senior Australian Open

    Dean Champ for A Squad & Andrew Thorpe for B Squad please Sue.
  7. Thorpey

    2021 Kegel QLD open

    Andrew Thorpe for A squad please.
  8. Thorpey

    2021 Hammer Queensland Senior Classic

    Andrew Thorpe C Squad Please.
  9. Thorpey

    2020 John Sullivan Seniors Australian Open

    Pattern is on the TBA site:
  10. Thorpey

    2020 SA Seniors Classic

    Hi Glenn, Are the new approaches wood or synthetic?
  11. Thorpey

    2020 John Sullivan Seniors Australian Open

    Dean Champ for A squad please Sue. (Senior)
  12. Thorpey

    2020 Hammer Queensland Senior Classic

    Deposit Paid for Andrew Thorpe.
  13. Thorpey

    HI, No deposit paid as yet, I requested B squad and was listed in B Squad on the squad listing...

    HI, No deposit paid as yet, I requested B squad and was listed in B Squad on the squad listing? Thanks Andrew.
  14. Thorpey

    2019 Sydney Seniors Classic Entry Details

    Details are in the entry form re booking into squads. Please do not put your squad requests in this post as it is not monitored.
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