Recent content by miffy

  1. M

    2021 Hammer Queensland Senior Classic

    Peter and Belinda Mifsud, Anna Allez, Brian Robinson and Graham Hall all B squad please.
  2. M

    2020 SA Seniors Classic

  3. M

    2020 Hammer Queensland Senior Classic

    Hi Batesy and Carol Could the deposit paid for Bryan Fitzpatrick be transferred to Peter Mifsud please. If grand seniors is still age 60 could Brian Robinson and Peter Mifsud be changed to gs. Thankyou
  4. M

    2020 John Sullivan Seniors Australian Open

    Hi Sue Please remove Peter and Belinda Mifsud, Brian Robinson and Anna Allez as airfares are too expensive at that time. Cheers
  5. M

    2020 John Sullivan Seniors Australian Open

    Peter mifsud Belinda mifsud Brian Robinson Anna Allez All B squad please
  6. M

    2020 Qld World Cup of Champions Entry Form and Squad List

    Daniel mifsud please
  7. M

    2020 Qld World Cup of Champions Entry Form and Squad List

    Peter mifsud and Brian Robinson please
  8. M

    2019 QLD World CUP of CHAMPIONS

    Peter mifsud please
  9. M

    2019 Hammer Queensland Senior Classic

    Hi Carol Bryan Fitzpatrick reserve for all squads. Cheers Peter
  10. M

    2019 Hammer Queensland Senior Classic

    Hi Carol Peter and belinda reserve for all squads please. Cheers peter
  11. M

    2018 Sydney Seniors Classic

    Are you able to publish the final prize fund distribution please. Cheers
  12. M

    2018 Sydney Seniors Classic

    Please remove Graham Hall from A squad as he unable to make it. Cheeer
  13. M

    2018 Sydney Seniors Classic

    Hi Sean Paid deposit tonight for Peter and belinda mifsud, brian robinson, anna allez and cheyl walmock. All in A squad $50 each via Corp Card. Cheers
  14. M

    ATBSOQ Squad Lists MT.WARREN 3&4March (Kerry Lowe)

    Hi Kerry Can you please move peter mifsud to Saturday squad and out of Sunday. Belinda will stay in Sunday morning. Thank you
  15. M

    2018 Campbelltown Vintage Classic

    Daniel i paid a deposit for both peter and belinda mifsud in January. It was $100 each. I sent an email on your website and in this thread confirming. Can you please confirm receipt. I transfered the money on 11 January Cheers Peter Mifsud
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