Recent content by lgt

  1. L

    2016 Storm Junior Sydney Cup

    Updated squad lists for the JSC @ 26 09
  2. L

    2016 Storm Junior Sydney Cup

    Updated squad list @ 19 09 Please advise LEANNE 0418 889 888 or email if any issues. Spots still available in C Squad only. ENTER ON-LINE
  3. L

    2016 Storm Junior Sydney Cup

    Hi all Junior Sydney Cup celebrates 40 years in 2016 and Storm has joined with Accumen Insurance and Aquilibra Accounting to support this great tournament. Enter on-line: Any queries: Leanne 0418889888 or
  4. L

    2016 Sydney Youth Cup

    Updated squad list @ 17 05 Thank you to bowlers who have contacted us re changes.
  5. L

    2016 Sydney Youth Cup

    2016 SYDNEY YOUTH CUP FURTHER UPDATE - Both the Male and Female Champion will also receive: Return Airfares (to value of $2000) Accommodation and Paid tournament entry for the 2016 Youth New Mexico Open, 1st - 3rd July The Youth New Mexico Open is being held at Tenpins and More, Rio Rancho...
  6. L

    2016 Sydney Youth Cup

    updated squad list, only 4 spots left in A squad deposits due today, any problems email or call Leanne or 0418889888 Cheers
  7. L

    2016 Sydney Youth Cup

    updated squad list only few spots left in A Please advise if there are any changes, deposits due on 2nd May
  8. L

    2016 Sydney Youth Cup

    updated squad list B Full, 11 spots left in A For info: Leanne 0418889888 or Online entry:
  9. L

    2016 Sydney Youth Cup

    FANTASTIC NEWS - The Male or Female Champion with the highest average at completion of the tournament will also receive: Return Airfares Accommodation and Paid tournament entry for the 2016 Youth New Mexico Open, 1st - 3rd July The Youth New Mexico Open is being held at Tenpins and More, Rio...
  10. L

    2016 Sydney Youth Cup

    Updated squad list attached. One spot left in B squad, 21 in A squad entry on-line:
  11. L

    2016 Sydney Youth Cup

    Updated squad list Only couple spots left in B squad Cheers Leanne or 0418889888
  12. L

    2016 Sydney Youth Cup

    Have added names to squads. Please fill in on-line entry form, go to or fax to 02 4625 2619 Thanks Leanne
  13. L

    2016 Sydney Youth Cup

    Updated squad list Entry on-line, link below Cheers Leanne
  14. L

    2016 Sydney Youth Cup

    Please find attached entry form for 2016 Sydney Youth Cup. Any queries: or 0418 889888 Cheers Leanne Triulcio Secretary, Campbelltown TBA
  15. L


    Updated squad lists attached, please let us know asap if there are any changes or if you are now unable to attend. Couple spots left in A, B and D squad for anyone interested to attend. We have over 100 entries and plan to have a great event !! Cheers Tournament Team
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