Recent content by hopwood

  1. hopwood

    Sunshine Coast Junior Championships

    The SCJTBA will be hosting their championships at Suncity Bowl on the weekend of the 26th and 27th of May. Please note their are limited lanes available so please get your entries in quick. You can contact Alex at the bowl on 54432580, or email him directly
  2. hopwood

    298 At Suncity

    Congratulations to Peter Maddox who bowled a 298 at Suncity Bowl last night in the Colts league. This is Peters highest game ever. Lets hope the big one comes soon :D
  3. hopwood

    Rebecca Cohen shoots personal best of 277 .....

    Congrats to Rebecca Cohen who bowled her personal best of 277 Last night at Caboolture. Her 4 game league scores were 123, 123, (made a SLIGHT adjustment here) 239, 277. Now that's what i call an adjustment.. LOL Nice bowling kiddo, your coach is proud of ya .................
  4. hopwood

    First 800 for Hopper

    Since the boys haven't done this yet i might as well do it ....... I bowled my best series last night in the Beachcombers League at Suncity Bowl 237, 279, 286. = 802. Front nine in the 2nd and front ten in the third (yes i choked LOL). Not bad for someone with only 2 Revs :D PS -...
  5. hopwood

    Sizzling Scores at Sun City Saturday and Sunday.

    Dang it ... i knew we forgot something. AND QUALLA WAS EVEN SHOUTING ON SATURDAY ..... could have been free :drunk: :drunk: :D
  6. hopwood

    2011 Charlie Greyson Results

    I have just noticed that my saved copies off the web for the standings look garbled, i will recorrect this later on today and repost them asap ... sorry for anty inconvienience, but in the mean time, click on the web link for the website as they have all the scores there .. Cheers Alex
  7. hopwood

    Sizzling Scores at Sun City Saturday and Sunday.

    Cheers for the weekend Stu and the help mate..... Very appreciated ...... And for that pesky 1/2 pin ... it will no longer be an issue ... already adjusted in next years format.
  8. hopwood

    2011 Charlie Greyson Results

    Thank you to everyone who supported this event. The bowling was incredible (Please see this thread by Stu and the free beers by Brando after day one was brilliant...
  9. hopwood

    New Sunnie Coast Scratch Singles league Guaranteed 1st place $1000 min

    Yeah Buddy, Monday nights ...... :D
  10. hopwood

    New Sunnie Coast Scratch Singles league Guaranteed 1st place $1000 min

    Suncity Bowl is proud to announce that it will be starting a scratch singles league on Feb 6 2012. This will be played over 4 games at a cost of $30. Bowling will commence at 8pm with 2 bowlers per pair (based on 10 bowlers). Points shall be awarded head to head and petersen points. Based...
  11. hopwood

    2011 Charlie Greyson Memorial Open @ Suncity Bowl

    i have attached the latest squad list ... we are still taking entries right up till friday guys so keep them coming.
  12. hopwood

    2011 Charlie Greyson Memorial Open @ Suncity Bowl

    I have attached the latest squad list .. Looking forward to seeing everyone on the weekend. :D
  13. hopwood

    2011 Charlie Greyson Memorial Open @ Suncity Bowl

    I am looking forward to seeing everyone at this years event. we are over half full and we are still taking spots for both squads. To secure your spot please phone 54432580 or pop an email through to See you all in a week and a half!!!!
  14. hopwood

    Aspley and Sunny Coast clashing

    And in this case, the TD'S do not have a say when the event is held, even less than the bowlers do. We do not set the dates for the wide bay series as higher up do so maybe TBAQ should INVITE the Directors of the wide bay group and similar to do that .............. and leave the TD's do a hard...
  15. hopwood

    Aspley and Sunny Coast clashing

    As the TD on the Sunnie Coast, the date for the Charlie Greyson was set for the Wide Bay tour in 2010 in Oct/Nov by the directors for the wide bay group. Next years dates have already been set as of the Wide bay meeting this year. As we are not apart of this process, we only get told when it...
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