Recent content by Hollywood

  1. Hollywood

    Looking for 15 pound virtual gravity

    Hi Mate, Have attached photo's for you. Has on small rub mark where it was caught in the belt at the backend but has been buffed. Not near any track line. Certainly hasn't altered the ball performance. Happy to sell for $40 + freight let me know where uou live and I will get back to you with...
  2. Hollywood

    Looking for 15 pound virtual gravity

    Are you still looking for a first drill Virtual Gravity? I have a 15lb in very good nick.
  3. Hollywood

    2014 Campbelltown Seniors Cup

    Hi, Final payment 120.00 paid tonight. Confirmation No: Z6188892496. Regards, David Ashton.
  4. Hollywood

    2014 Campbelltown Seniors Cup

    Hi Kevin, $100 deposit just paid tonight for David Ashton. Rec No 2230329. Regards, Hollywood.
  5. Hollywood

    2014 Campbelltown Seniors Cup

    Hi Kevin, David Ashton for B Squad thank you. Happy New Year everyone.
  6. Hollywood

    2013 Sydney Seniors Classic Squad Listing

    Hi Mandy, Deposit $50 paid today at 5.20pm Rec 2721551. Regards, David Ashton.
  7. Hollywood

    2013 Sydney Seniors Classic Squad Listing

    Hi Susanne, Just a minor point, you may have to split the 1st place & 2nd place prize money if they tie for first and are in A & B squads and the A squad person has already caught their flight or driven home, a one game roll-off is not possible with separate squads 99% of the time. Just a...
  8. Hollywood

    2013 SA Seniors Classic

    Hi Folks, Sorry to be a pain, but I am still chasing some addresses for the following people if anyone can help. Kaye Talbot Val Porteous John Carroll Mark Malloy Paul Terry I need your again please.... Cheers, Hollywood. send them to
  9. Hollywood

    Canberra Seniors Cup 2013

    Hi Bowlers, Again!! I need some more addresses for the following bowlers so we can post out their cheques. If you could send me your address to my inbox ( not here ) I will get these out to you ASAP. John Carroll Gary Boater Mark Molloy Barry Wicks Fred Houshman Frosty Gorostiaga Tony Murray...
  10. Hollywood

    Canberra Seniors Cup 2013

    Hi Bowlers, I would like to say again my sincerest apologies in particular to the Grand Senior Ladies that were inconvenienced yesterday during the presentations of the Canberra Seniors Cup with the incorrect names on the payout cheques. We have now rewritten the overall place getters cheques...
  11. Hollywood

    Canberra Seniors Cup 2013

    Thanks mate. CYA tomorrow. Hollywood.
  12. Hollywood

    Canberra Seniors Cup 2013

    Last Squad List as of 10pm tonight Thursday 21st. Kind Regards, Hollywood.
  13. Hollywood

    Canberra Seniors Cup 2013

    Hi Bowlers, Last request before most hit the road. Would anyone like to swap with Rob Zikman in A squad please as an early getaway Sunday would be appreciated. Kind Regards, Hollywood.
  14. Hollywood

    Canberra Seniors Cup 2013

    Hi Everybody, Now have 2 spots available in A squad. Cheers, Hollywood.
  15. Hollywood

    Canberra Seniors Cup 2013

    Hi Bowlers, Here is the current squad listings. 1 spot still available in A squad if anyone has someone in mind. Regards, Hollywood.
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