Recent content by emmtee83

  1. emmtee83

    14lb storm gear for sale

    Yeah I figured. Could tell by the drilling. If it was first drill, I could have worked with it. Never mind, good luck with the sale
  2. emmtee83

    14lb storm gear for sale

    Are you left handed by any chance?
  3. emmtee83

    14lb storm gear for sale

    Depends on how technical the bowler is. Most wouldn't care, but for me, it delays the roll of the ball as the coverstock is not reading the lane the whole time.
  4. emmtee83

    14lb storm gear for sale

    What a shame the previous drill is right where my track would go :(
  5. emmtee83

    14LB used gear fully plugged

    Still got the spare ball? If so, would love a picture please
  6. emmtee83

    14lb storm gear for sale

    Got a pic of the IQ Pearl mate?
  7. emmtee83

    Urethane gear in 14lb/15lb

    Hi guys, after options for second hand urethane gear. Reply or inbox please. Cheers
  8. emmtee83

    STORM & ROTO GRIP For Sale!

    I'll take the Grenade for $50 incl delivery to Adelaide 5000
  9. emmtee83

    Wanted: Dexter SST8 US 13- left handed and Totes/Roller Bag

    don't know if this will help, but I have a pair of brand new US14 SST8's and a 3 ball tournament tote roller?
  10. emmtee83

    After opinions from resellers

    I ran an online pro shop a few years back and I had a disclaimer on the 'shoe' page..... I provided a fitment guide and warned the buyer bears the responsibility for a correct shoe size. However, each shop owner could decide whether or not they looked after their customer in this...
  11. emmtee83

    Storm balls 14lb

    Pm'd Joseoh
  12. emmtee83

    15lb Track 706A - 2nd drill

    Price reduced - $45 PM for postage cost. Cheers
  13. emmtee83

    Hy-Road 14lb thanks
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