Recent content by Bee...!

  1. Bee...!

    2020 Queensland Ladies Classic

    Could you please add Kaitlyn Commane, Janet Hunt, Emily Bottomley, Minhee Kim and myself you’re B squad. Thanks Bee
  2. Bee...!

    2019 Queensland Ladies Classic

    Hey guys Could you please put Minhee Kim and Emily Bottomley in B squad. Thanks Bee
  3. Bee...!

    2019 Kegel QLD Open

    Sean Bowling Derek Adams Brandon Qualischefski Glen Loader David Hughes Ryan Edgar Shaun Dunn Jake Otago All for C squad please
  4. Bee...!

    2018 Logan City Tenpin Elite Singles League

    Just a reminder that the Elite Singles starts back on the 10th January. Limited spots available. Reformation meeting starts at 7:30 with an 8pm start.
  5. Bee...!

    2018 Logan City Tenpin Elite Singles League

    The Elite Singles league held at Logan City Tenpin will return in 2018. Cash prizes to be won with over $16,000* in the prize fund. Wednesday evenings at 8pm $40 per week Scratch and Handicap points and prize fund divisions For more info contact Logan City Tenpin 3209 2255 or contact us on...
  6. Bee...!

    2017 QLD Ladies Classic

    Morning, B squad for Bianca Flanagan, please. Thanks :-)
  7. Bee...!


    Hey guys Can you please put John Dunn in B squad? Thanks Bee
  8. Bee...!

    Logan City Tenpin Skins

    There are stlll some spots for the skins this Friday. Please let me know if you are interested. Thanks Bee
  9. Bee...!

    Logan City Tenpin Skins

    Hi All, Logan City Tenpin is holding a skins event on Friday, 12th May. Time: 9.30pm Cost: $150 each 8 games scratch Payout per game: 1st $200 2nd $100 Overall High Series $500 Skins will only pay out if winning game is 200 or higher Money Jackpots to next game if no payout Prize fund...
  10. Bee...!


    Hey Batesy, Can you please put Sean Bowling, Hamish Rogers, Shaun Dunn and I in B squad. Thanks Bee
  11. Bee...!

    2016 Caboolture Coca-Cola Doubles Eliminator

    Hey Batesy, Could you please swap our A squad to B squad. Thanks Bee :-)
  12. Bee...!

    Friday 13th Skins @ Logan City Tenpin

    Date: 13th May Time: 9:30pm Location: Logan City Tenpin Cost: $150 8 games Payout per game: 1st - $200 & 2nd - $100 (score must be over 200 or money jackpots to next game) Payout for Highest Series: $500 Based on 27 bowlers Contact: 07 3209 2255 or
  13. Bee...!

    18th QLD Ladies Classic 2016

    Hey Batesy, Can I please have a spot in B squad?? Thanks Bee :-)
  14. Bee...!

    2016 Vic 150 & Australian Open Entries

    Hey Sue Could you please put Shaun Dunn, Hamish Rogers & Bianca Flanagan (scratch) in to C squad. Many thanks Bianca
  15. Bee...!

    2016 Logan City Tenpin Youth Singles League

    Hey guys, Just a reminder that the new Youth Singles starts this Friday at Logan City Tenpin. There's still a few spots available. Don't miss out.
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